Breezing through immigration, my best friend, Joseph and I decided that it was too early to have an adventure so we just got an airport taxi to bring us to our hotel, Alpha Genesis, located in Bukit Bintang, which is pretty much central ...
acara tetep jadi dilaksanakan. dengan 12 orang: gue, risni, uri (the owner of the house that we want to visit), ayu, windy, chikita, alfa, rizqi, uji, tegar, feriz, dan hafid. 12 orang dari 35 orang? pikir gue, "sucks! sepi banget dah ...
Feriz and Pajtim, members of youth gang Gangsta Albanian Thug Unit in the Swedish city of Malmö, explain how they mug and beat people downtown. "Many of us participated in gangs that fought against the Serbs during the war in Kosovo. Violence is in our blood,"Feriz said. ...... In Islam, conquering the world is not merely a matter of real estate or of geopolitical power: it is a matter of preparing Earth for the Last Days and its transfiguration into Paradise. ...